This project will address the need for improved evaluations of STEM projects by (1) establishing collaborations that develop and test more sophisticated evaluation models (working through evaluation associations to obtain input from a wide array of evaluation experts), and (2) working with directors and other stakeholders of STEM projects to implement and iteratively refine these models. Using evaluation and content experts to assist a sample of STEM projects from three EHR programs (including MSP), the project will develop state-of-the-art evaluation models that are context-sensitive. The project will support the development of professional communities of teachers, researchers, evaluators, cognitive scientists, and social scientists, and others who depend on evaluation for continued improvement and to generate new knowledge.
Project Contributions
Evaluating a Minority Student STEM Retention Project: Evaluation Issues in Working in a Consortium and Numbers Don't Tell the Whole Story
Utah State University's RETA Advisory Committee presents lessons learned while evaluating a minority student STEM retention project.
Utah State University's RETA Advisory Committee presents lessons learned while evaluating a minority student STEM retention project.
Evidence: An Essential Tool
This guiding framework arose out of a need to: "(a) provide guidance for evaluation planning and evaluation activities to NSF's MSP projects and other projects, and to groups submitting proposals...
This guiding framework arose out of a need to: "(a) provide guidance for evaluation planning and evaluation activities to NSF's MSP projects and other projects, and to groups submitting proposals...
MSP Evaluation Summit Summary
The MSP Evaluation Summit was held on September 15-17, 2005 at the Radisson University Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. One hundred and twenty-seven participants included MSP evaluators, principal investigators,...
The MSP Evaluation Summit was held on September 15-17, 2005 at the Radisson University Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota. One hundred and twenty-seven participants included MSP evaluators, principal investigators,...
MSP Evaluation Summit: Agenda, Schedule, Reimbursement, and other information
The time for the MSP Evaluation Summit has arrived! This page will provide information about the following details. Final schedule and meeting sign-in Hotel arrangements Travel from airport to hotel...
The time for the MSP Evaluation Summit has arrived! This page will provide information about the following details. Final schedule and meeting sign-in Hotel arrangements Travel from airport to hotel...
MSP Evaluation Summit: Evidence-Based Findings from MSPs
Sponsored by the Adding Value to the Mathematics and Science Partnerships Evaluations (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Consortium for Building Evaluation Capacity (Utah State University) SUMMARY...
Sponsored by the Adding Value to the Mathematics and Science Partnerships Evaluations (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Consortium for Building Evaluation Capacity (Utah State University) SUMMARY...
Powerpoint Presentations from Evidence: an Essential Tool
We have collected five PowerPoint presentations from this workshop. Please click on the links below to download and view the presentations. Where's the Evidence? A look at a hypothetical MSP...
We have collected five PowerPoint presentations from this workshop. Please click on the links below to download and view the presentations. Where's the Evidence? A look at a hypothetical MSP...
Evidence: An Essential Tool Meeting Agenda
The upcoming NSF MSP Program meeting, Evidence: An Essential Tool, is scheduled on October 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and October 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m....
The upcoming NSF MSP Program meeting, Evidence: An Essential Tool, is scheduled on October 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and October 22 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m....
Evaluation Capacity Building for STEM/MSP Projects
Slide presentation from the MSP PI Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2004. Click here for a web-viewable PDF Click here for the original PowerPoint presentation
Slide presentation from the MSP PI Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2004. Click here for a web-viewable PDF Click here for the original PowerPoint presentation