The project is proposed by a partnership, which includes three institutes of higher education, the Vermont State Department of Education, the Vermont Mathematics Initiative (VMI), the Vermont Institute for Science, Mathematics, and Technology (VISMT) and 4 school districts.
The project is building upon the VMI Exemplary Teacher Model, a leadership model in K-6 mathematics by expanding the effort to include middle and high school mathematics, whole school systems and preservice education. The partnership is seeking success in all schools, for all teachers and all students.
Project Contributions
The Vermont Mathematics Partnership: Mathematicians and educators working together to help all children succeed in mathematics
Posted by: Stephanie Ratmeyer . The Vermont Mathematics Partnership was established in 2002 as an extension of the University of Vermonts Vermont Mathematics Initiative. The goals are to improve mathematics instruction and enhance performance of…
Posted by: Stephanie Ratmeyer . The Vermont Mathematics Partnership was established in 2002 as an extension of the University of Vermonts Vermont Mathematics Initiative. The goals are to improve mathematics instruction and enhance performance of…
VMP Evaluation Findings Related to Changes in Teaching Practice, Drawn from Qualitative Focus Group Data
"Building on the needs assessment format used by the Vermont Mathematics Partnership (VMP) in designing its professional development (PD) strategy with participating schools, annual focus groups involving...
"Building on the needs assessment format used by the Vermont Mathematics Partnership (VMP) in designing its professional development (PD) strategy with participating schools, annual focus groups involving...