This targeted Math and Science Partnership includes the Duke University Pratt School of Engineering, four school districts (Alamance/Burlington Schools, Orange County Schools, Iredell/Statesville Schools, Harnett County Schools), the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, and the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center. Focusing on K-8 science education, Teachers and Scientists Collaborating (TASC) is providing curriculum units selected from an array of inquiry-based curricula, inservice professional development, and support from Duke University scientists. Objectives include establishing a cadre of scientists who provide ongoing teacher assistance in science content that is aligned with state/national standards, instituting a professional development system to prepare teachers to use inquiry-based instructional modules and to benefit from scientist resources, creating a fee-based lending library of inquiry-based modules available to teachers, and institutionalizing science education support. TASC seeks to narrow achievement gaps, improve end-of grade science and mathematics scores, and to improve the quality of science teaching in participating school systems.
Project Contributions
Relationships Among Inquiry-Based Science, Elementary and Middle-Grade Achievement, and Science-Related Student Behaviors in a North Carolina School District
Posted by: David Smith . Researchers presented findings from students in grades 5 and 8, and their teachers, who took part in a targeted K-8 science MSP…
Posted by: David Smith . Researchers presented findings from students in grades 5 and 8, and their teachers, who took part in a targeted K-8 science MSP…
Leading and Planning a Professional Development Program
"The Duke University TASC Project (Teachers and Scientists Collaborating) is an NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership funded program designed to provide professional development and a loan system in...
"The Duke University TASC Project (Teachers and Scientists Collaborating) is an NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership funded program designed to provide professional development and a loan system in...