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Walk the Talk: A Conversation between Dr. Hrabowski and STEM Interns


"The dynamic president of UMBC, Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, had agreed to meet with STEM co-teachers in order to learn more about them. The group, who call themselves Visionaries shared a short presentation explaining their STEM backgrounds and their vision. Dr. Hrabowski was so impressed with this group that he requested a second session to discuss specific topics: How can we deal with the challenge of working with uninterested (or resistant) children? How to stay encouraged in light of lack of success (what are best approaches)? What works for different groups? How do you develop the inner strength to endure in challenging situations? How to go about teaching Reading, Math and Science (integrated approach) What are best strategies for teaching children to think? STEM Interns, also known as Co-teachers, are graduate level preservice students with strong background in STEM areas, but little pedagogical experience. Their yearlong internship is spent in a classroom with an experienced lead teacher and includes 36 credits of graduate work leading to a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree."