SCALE (System-Wide Change for All Learners and Educators) is a partnership involving 7 major educational institutions: the University of Wisconsin's Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), Denver Public Schools, Los Angeles Unified School District, Madison Metropolitan School District and the Providence Public School District, as well as institutions of higher education whose preservice programs provide many new teachers to these districts such as California State University, Dominguez Hills and California State University, Northridge.
The partnership brings together mathematicians, scientists, social scientists, and education practitioners to build a whole new approach to reforming preK-12 mathematics and science education. The partnership seeks to improve the mathematics and science achievement of all students at all grade levels in the four partner school districts by engaging them in deep and authentic science and mathematics instructional experiences.
Project Contributions
Motivating Students to Ask Scientifically Productive Questions
"We describe a framework for supporting student inquiry in K-16 science classes in the context of student investigation of ecologically or environmentally related problems and issues. The framework was developed…
"We describe a framework for supporting student inquiry in K-16 science classes in the context of student investigation of ecologically or environmentally related problems and issues. The framework was developed…
Middle-School Science Through Design-Based Learning versus Scripted Inquiry: Better Overall Science Concept Learning and Equity Gap Reduction
"This paper contrasts performances overall and by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES) for middle school students learning science through traditional scripted inquiry versus a design-based, systems approach. Students designed…
"This paper contrasts performances overall and by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES) for middle school students learning science through traditional scripted inquiry versus a design-based, systems approach. Students designed…
A Final Case Study of SCALE Activities at California State University, Northridge
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) play an important role in math and science education by providing undergraduate instruction, teacher training programs, and in-service training for K-12 teachers....
Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) play an important role in math and science education by providing undergraduate instruction, teacher training programs, and in-service training for K-12 teachers....
A Final Case Study of SCALE Activities at UW-Madison: The Influence of Institutional Context on a K-20 STEM Education Change Initiative
"This report of the NSF-funded SCALE Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Case Studies line of work provides findings about SCALE activities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) between...
"This report of the NSF-funded SCALE Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Case Studies line of work provides findings about SCALE activities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) between...
Using cultural models to understand faculty sense-making processes within the structural and socio-cultural context of a comprehensive university
"[R]esearch on reform implementation in both higher education and K-12 has found that policy directives are frequently adapted and transformed by individual agents at the local school or IHE level...
"[R]esearch on reform implementation in both higher education and K-12 has found that policy directives are frequently adapted and transformed by individual agents at the local school or IHE level...
Learning Communities Across Educational Continuum
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
SCALE and the Future of Educational Improvements
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
SCALE Opens the Door to Higher Education Change
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
K-20 Partnerships: Literature Review and Recommendations for Research
Posted by: David Sleasman . Federal programs, such as the National Science Foundation's Math and Science Partnership program, are promoting partnerships between K-12 school districts and higher education institutions (K-20 partnerships)...
Posted by: David Sleasman . Federal programs, such as the National Science Foundation's Math and Science Partnership program, are promoting partnerships between K-12 school districts and higher education institutions (K-20 partnerships)...
K-20 Partnerships: Literature Review and Recommendations for Research
Posted by: David Sleasman . Federal programs, such as the National Science Foundation's Math and Science Partnership program, are promoting K-20 partnerships (partnerships between K-12 and higher education institutions) in hopes...
Posted by: David Sleasman . Federal programs, such as the National Science Foundation's Math and Science Partnership program, are promoting K-20 partnerships (partnerships between K-12 and higher education institutions) in hopes...
Math Masters Change the Way Teachers and Professors Learn
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Planting Seeds of Change
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Evolution of SCALE Professional Development
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Immersion Units and the Inquiry Tool Box
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Science Immersion Can Open Students to Lifelong Learning Skills
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE's Key Concept Series of Articles - This ongoing series of articles illustrates key concepts of the SCALE Partnership's work around the major themes of the National Science Foundation's Math...
Factors Influencing Change Initiatives to Improve K-20 STEM Education at California State University, Dominguez Hills: Final Case Study of SCALE Activities
Posted by: David Sleasman . "Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) play an important role in math and science education by providing undergraduate instruction, operating teacher training programs, and providing in-service training...
Posted by: David Sleasman . "Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) play an important role in math and science education by providing undergraduate instruction, operating teacher training programs, and providing in-service training...
Factors Influencing Change Initiatives to Improve K-20 STEM Education at California State University, Dominguez Hills: Final Case Study of SCALE Activities
Posted by: David Sleasman . "Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) play an important role in math and science education by providing undergraduate instruction, operating teacher training programs, and providing in-service training...
Posted by: David Sleasman . "Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) play an important role in math and science education by providing undergraduate instruction, operating teacher training programs, and providing in-service training...
K-20 Partnership: A Definition and Proof-of-Concept
Posted by: David Sleasman . School districts and institutions of higher education (IHEs) have, historically, attempted to improve K-12 instructional quality and student performance in relative isolation from each other, and with...
Posted by: David Sleasman . School districts and institutions of higher education (IHEs) have, historically, attempted to improve K-12 instructional quality and student performance in relative isolation from each other, and with...
Analyzing Cultural Processes in Higher Education: STEM and Education Faculty Collaboration in Teacher Education
Posted by: David Sleasman . "The lack of coordination between STEM and education faculty in teacher preparation is viewed as a crucial breakdown in the system of teacher education. This paper describes findings from a...
Posted by: David Sleasman . "The lack of coordination between STEM and education faculty in teacher preparation is viewed as a crucial breakdown in the system of teacher education. This paper describes findings from a...
How Do You Know That? Guiding Early Elementary Students to Develop Evidence-Based Explanations about Animals
"The purpose of many animal studies at early grades is to build observation skills, develop a knowledge base, and practice age-appropriate science skills like comparing, describing, and drawing. While...
"The purpose of many animal studies at early grades is to build observation skills, develop a knowledge base, and practice age-appropriate science skills like comparing, describing, and drawing. While...
Preliminary Case Study of SCALE Activities at the California State University, Northridge
This report of the NSF-funded SCALE Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Case Studies line of work provides preliminary findings about SCALE activities at the California State University, Northridge...
This report of the NSF-funded SCALE Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) Case Studies line of work provides preliminary findings about SCALE activities at the California State University, Northridge...
SCALE Fourth Annual Progress Report to the National Science Foundation
This report to NSF includes: Management Report, Activities and Findings Report, and the Quantitative Report for the SCALE Math and Science Partnership.
This report to NSF includes: Management Report, Activities and Findings Report, and the Quantitative Report for the SCALE Math and Science Partnership.
Organizational Change in an Institution of Higher Education: Improving K-20 Math and Science Education through a University-School Partnership
In the spring of 2005, SCALE's Research and Evaluation team began conducting a set of IHE case studies to determine (a) whether positive and sustainable improvements are underway to facilitate...
In the spring of 2005, SCALE's Research and Evaluation team began conducting a set of IHE case studies to determine (a) whether positive and sustainable improvements are underway to facilitate...
SCALE Year 4 Evaluator's Report
Posted by: David Sleasman . During Year 4 of SCALE, there were five lines of research and evaluation work: (1) Building a Partnership (BP); (2) District Case Studies; (3) Targeted Studies; (4) SCALE Quality Indicators...
Posted by: David Sleasman . During Year 4 of SCALE, there were five lines of research and evaluation work: (1) Building a Partnership (BP); (2) District Case Studies; (3) Targeted Studies; (4) SCALE Quality Indicators...
SCALE Year 3 Evaluator's Report
Posted by: David Sleasman . The work is informing the direction and nature of SCALE efforts as the partnership matures. The lines of work are complementary, fitting together into a coherent program that addresses the...
Posted by: David Sleasman . The work is informing the direction and nature of SCALE efforts as the partnership matures. The lines of work are complementary, fitting together into a coherent program that addresses the...
SCALE Year 5 Implementation Plan
Posted by: David Sleasman . Upon reflection on the original SCALE theory of action, goals, and benchmarks (originally set forth in the SCALE Strategic Plan in July 2003), the SCALE leadership decided to make strategic...
Posted by: David Sleasman . Upon reflection on the original SCALE theory of action, goals, and benchmarks (originally set forth in the SCALE Strategic Plan in July 2003), the SCALE leadership decided to make strategic...
SCALE Third Annual Progress Report to the National Science Foundation
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE started with seven major institutions as partners, and most of the institutions had no relevant previous working relationships. The cultural differences among these institutions are remarkable,...
Posted by: David Sleasman . SCALE started with seven major institutions as partners, and most of the institutions had no relevant previous working relationships. The cultural differences among these institutions are remarkable,...
SCALE Year 4 Implementation Plan
Posted by: David Sleasman . The implementation planning exercise this year has been both challenging and insightful. It has been challenging in that SCALE is now at its halfway point. All goal areas have grown,...
Posted by: David Sleasman . The implementation planning exercise this year has been both challenging and insightful. It has been challenging in that SCALE is now at its halfway point. All goal areas have grown,...
Immersion Units Enhance Science Instruction
"Educators and scientists in WCER's System-wide Change for All Learners and Educators (SCALE) partnership are developing conceptually coherent science units, one for all grade levels, Kindergarten through...
"Educators and scientists in WCER's System-wide Change for All Learners and Educators (SCALE) partnership are developing conceptually coherent science units, one for all grade levels, Kindergarten through...
Magic or Mirrors? Questions about Partnership as a Construct Arising from Micro-Level Case Analysis
"This paper presents a preliminary cross-case organizational analysis of K-20 partnership. The paper is "preliminary" because it is an analysis of two (of a proposed four) cases of K-20 partnership...
"This paper presents a preliminary cross-case organizational analysis of K-20 partnership. The paper is "preliminary" because it is an analysis of two (of a proposed four) cases of K-20 partnership...
Evaluation of Math Masters 2004-05 Summary Report
"The Math Masters project brings together the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), three other south-central Wisconsin school districts, SCALE, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison to provide...
"The Math Masters project brings together the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD), three other south-central Wisconsin school districts, SCALE, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison to provide...
System-wide Change for All Learners and Educators
The primary SCALE partnership includes three universities and four urban school districts representing approximately one million students and forty thousand teachers and faculty. SCALE depends on an expanding...
The primary SCALE partnership includes three universities and four urban school districts representing approximately one million students and forty thousand teachers and faculty. SCALE depends on an expanding...
Organizational Mapping: The form and function of a K-20 partnership for improvement of mathematics and science teaching
"SCALE is a five-year project, and thus it provides us with an excellent opportunity to examine partnerships as they develop. SCALE's proposal writers included a longitudinal organizational analysis study...
"SCALE is a five-year project, and thus it provides us with an excellent opportunity to examine partnerships as they develop. SCALE's proposal writers included a longitudinal organizational analysis study...
LAUSD Mathematics Teacher and Coach Focus Groups: Views of District Instructional Guidance from the Field: SCALE RET Case Study report
"For three consecutive evenings in January 2004, researchers Eric Osthoff and Steven Cantrell met with secondary mathematics teachers and coaches to discuss the impact of several key elements of the...
"For three consecutive evenings in January 2004, researchers Eric Osthoff and Steven Cantrell met with secondary mathematics teachers and coaches to discuss the impact of several key elements of the...
District Case Studies Evaluation Design
"This paper discusses the design of the case studies of the effects of the SCALE partnership on district policy and organization. (See Appendix A. for an overview of SCALE). Part...
"This paper discusses the design of the case studies of the effects of the SCALE partnership on district policy and organization. (See Appendix A. for an overview of SCALE). Part...