Engineering Professional Development
"The Math Science Technology Education Partnership (MSTP, 2003) is one of the NSFMSP-targeted projects that has as its primary mission the improvement of middle school
mathematics instruction and student learning in mathematics, science, and technology
education classes. It is the only MSP project that uses engineering design as one of its key
elements. The thesis of the project was simple: with more instructional time devoted to
mathematics, and with mathematics taught with current pedagogical practice, student
learning should improve. As part of the MSTP Project, we have been refining professional
development for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers, with a
particularly strong focus on mathematics and science teachers. The paper will provide an
overview of the three-year evolution in STEM professional development and a detailed
examination of the current state."
Copyright © 2007 by David Burghardt, Michael Hacker and Hofstra University, Math Science Technology Education Partnership.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.