Mathematics and science secondary education in the NYC school system is confronted with a number of serious problems including; shortages of mathematics and science teachers, low teacher retention rates, high failure rates among 8th grade students taking the mathematics exam, lack of preparedness for high school, and poor communication between schools.
To address these problems, the MSPinNYC will use the strategy of a Micro/Macro approach for reform at both the local level and system wide. At the local level, twelve hub schools will be created. Each hub school will be a clinical site for teacher training, and an exemplar for excellence in mathematics and science education. The hub schools will be developed by teams of college faculty and secondary teachers working closely together in a novel model for professional development to create cultures within the schools invested in teaching as a collaborative enterprise and research-driven classroom practices.
Project Contributions
Looking for Early Evidence of Implementation: Using the Lens of Propensity Score Matching
"Our session relates to the Evaluation, Research, and Implementation strand. MSPinNYC2 restructures high school STEM courses using peer-enabled restructured classrooms (PERC) to improve achievement. In year one 711 students enrolled…
"Our session relates to the Evaluation, Research, and Implementation strand. MSPinNYC2 restructures high school STEM courses using peer-enabled restructured classrooms (PERC) to improve achievement. In year one 711 students enrolled…
Teaching and Learning Science in an Urban School: Analogy as a Key to Communal Science Pedagogy
"This article articulates the results of an ongoing study in an urban school in New York City in which student and teacher researchers engage in practices that support the science…
"This article articulates the results of an ongoing study in an urban school in New York City in which student and teacher researchers engage in practices that support the science…
A Study of At-risk High School Students' Calibration Accuracy, Self-Efficacy Beliefs, and Use of Assessment Results
The authors examined a number of key self-regulatory processes among 88 at-risk high school students. Students' self-efficacy, performance, and calibration accuracy were assessed and weekly detailed feedback of the assessment…
The authors examined a number of key self-regulatory processes among 88 at-risk high school students. Students' self-efficacy, performance, and calibration accuracy were assessed and weekly detailed feedback of the assessment…
The Use of New York State Regents Exams to Guide MSPinNYC Decision-Making to Build an Effective Model of the Urban STEM Classrooms
High stakes, end-of-course Regents exams are used to guide the development and implementation of a new model for the urban science and mathematics classroom: the Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC).…
High stakes, end-of-course Regents exams are used to guide the development and implementation of a new model for the urban science and mathematics classroom: the Peer Enabled Restructured Classroom (PERC).…
Peer-Enabled Restructured Classrooms: A Field Trial Experiment Leading to a Successful Model for the Urban Classroom
This paper addresses the following claim(s): " "CLAIM #1: The problems facing teachers in the urban science or math high school classroom are daunting. It is possible that the urban…
This paper addresses the following claim(s): " "CLAIM #1: The problems facing teachers in the urban science or math high school classroom are daunting. It is possible that the urban…
MSPinNYC at Hunter College: A Model Educational Program
Posted by: Lisa Ruscigno . "With mass media exploding with news of the latest innovations in technological devices, it's refreshing to see the mentor-mentee model used with dramatic success to enable failing HS students to...
Posted by: Lisa Ruscigno . "With mass media exploding with news of the latest innovations in technological devices, it's refreshing to see the mentor-mentee model used with dramatic success to enable failing HS students to...
What the College Teachers Learned from High School Teachers in MSP
Two faculty members share how their own pedagogical practice has shifted after spending two summers working with high school teachers as part of the MSP in NYC project. The authors...
Two faculty members share how their own pedagogical practice has shifted after spending two summers working with high school teachers as part of the MSP in NYC project. The authors...